When: Sunday, 4th May.
Time: 10.00 h – 13.00 h.
Price: 55€ members, 60€ non members
Where: Macro&Dive Tossa de Mar.

A sea baptism is a first underwater experience, an initiation. It consists of a sea immersion with diving equipment to a maximum depth of 10 meters. You will be accompanied and supervised at all times by an experienced instructor and a controlled environment.
In this relaxed and controlled way, you will experience the sensations of breathing underwater for the first time and you will feel weightless as if you were an astronaut.
Spend a different day in company and meet new friends!
Contact: donasport@panteresgrogues.org
* 1 Welcome pack is delivered by Donasport, if you participate in several activities you only receive 1 welcome pack.